And if, to change the jogging, we opted for brisk walking? It's just as effective, it muscle all parts of the body, and it ensures a pretty silhouette just a few weeks of summer. But the "power walking" it assures us also a good health: very concentrated on the cardio, this technique makes work our heart, the whole of our respiratory system.

The ideal position

The arms are bent and beat the measure: the fists remain closed and make movements of the ears to the hips. We sheath his abs and especially, we open his rib cage, putting the chest well forward. A good breath is essential, and it focuses in the upper bust.

The practice

Keep your eyes straight in front of you, and go! We extend our steps to the maximum, pushing the ground to stretch all the back of the thighs. Yes, it heats! But we must hold on. The ideal is to opt for a session that lasts between 30 and 45 minutes, at a steady pace. And we do not slow down! If you want to ensure a silhouette at the top and quickly, we try to practice the "power walking" 2 to 3 times a week. Our cardiovascular system will be on top, and he will say thank you. Like running, brisk walking costs nothing but a good pair of shoes of course. We practice power walking in the city, or on a treadmill, according to his preferences and possibilities.

A tutorial to adopt the right gestures

And if we learned the "power walking" video? To be sure to do the right thing without risking injury, we look "How to power walk? " on Youtube. The video is in English, but it will make us work the language of Shakespeare no?