Here are some simple stretches to do at home or in the office to find a good flexibility and relax all the muscles.

Stretch on awakening

Performing a few stretches every morning is a great way to start the day. This not only allows flexibility, but also to relieve tension and wake up his body gently.

The exercise that follows allows to relax the spine while still in bed.

  • Start by lying comfortably on your back. Put your hands behind your head, fingers well at the base of the skull by placing only your thumbs under your lower jaw.
  • Bring the chin closer to your chest. Breathe well during this exercise: start by inhaling slowly and deeply as you stretch as far as possible.
  • Unroll your entire spine, pulling the skull and heels up to the top and bottom of the bed.

However, be careful not to go too far: you should not feel pain in a relaxation exercise. Exhale slowly while holding the position and release.

The right stretch to soften the legs

This second exercise to soften allows to stretch the entire lower body.

Thanks to him, ankles, knees, thighs but also lower back will gain flexibility.

This relaxation exercise begins standing up.

  • Preferably place yourself near a wall to limit the risk of losing balance during the rest of the exercise.
  • Put yourself in a crouching position: your feet should be completely flat on the floor, toes pointing slightly outward.
  • You must remain squatting for 30 seconds before slowly straightening up.

If necessary, you can press your back to the wall to maintain the position.

Relaxation exercises to do in the office

These exercises to relax can be practiced easily at the office on your chair.

Practical, they avoid suffering from stiff neck and back pain, common inconvenience when sitting for a long time in front of a computer.

  • Relaxing the neck

Stick your left ear on your shoulder while stretching your right arm to the ground. Then do the same on the other side.

This exercise of relaxation is to be done 5 times in a row.

  • Stretch his spine

Hands firmly resting on your thighs, stretch your spine as much as you grow up and relax.

Repeat 5 times in a row.

  • Relax his back

Sit upright on your chair. Place your hands on your hips then breathe deeply by stretching your elbows as far as possible behind your back.

Repeat this movement a dozen times.