What is the lack of volume?

This is when the hair on top of the skull is all raplaplas. No matter what happens on the sides or back, it's the nice movement on the top of our head that gives style to our hairstyle. These are usually the thin, stiff and smooth hair that are the most flat.

I opt rather for long or for short?

The cup is the essential element for filling his hair. Short or long, it does not change much, the whole is to work well the material. Some small points can be removed, without necessarily touching the volume, but ideally, the top of the skull is worked by small wicks, which are cut very short to give an impression of volume. For a person who has very fine hair, very long, cut short can give a sensation of matter but, ultimately, the volume will not necessarily be well placed. So we explain what we want to our hairdresser! Fancy a coloring? Why not ... She can help to clothe the hair and to have the outfit.

Bye bye the gradient

A good hairdresser will refuse it but beware of never asking for a gradient if you have hair platoune. If the "pro" degrades the points, there is a risk of a small tail effect not very aesthetic. And if one degrades badly on all the skull, one risks ending up with a staircase effect ... bof bof.

At home, I treat it how my lack of volume?

To boost hair very thin and really very flat, treat the scalp. We use a "fertilizer" for hair, based on oils like avocado, jojoba or even castor oil ! Easy to find products on the market. Another option: the homemade, which combines these vegetable oils with essential oils (sage, tea tree, ylang-ylang etc.)! The scalp is impregnated and left to stand overnight before washing the hair the next morning. If the preparation can not be kept on the head for so long, leave it on for 20 minutes before washing the head. The hair bulb is then properly fed and the hair will become more toned, less flat. For styling, one can opt for a salt spray, which is used on dry hair or on wet hair. Gently mass the top of the skull with small circular movements.

Thanks to Stéphanie Germilhac of Hair Dresser, 44 avenue des Ternes, 75017, Paris