Do a lot of sports to stay motivated

To find a real motivation to resume the sport, the ideal is to find an accomplice. We join several: with his spouse, a friend or even better a group of friends (e) s. To combine business with pleasure and progress quickly, you can also choose to work with a coach for a specific period.

Set goals, even simple

For the recovery of the sport to settle permanently, it is important to set goals achievable, that is to say realistic. These can take the form of a challenge to meet: a competition, a race or why not a marathon!

It can also be a simple goal, like running for a long time without being out of breath or increasing the duration of the race little by little ... And why not reward yourself? The purchase of a new sports outfit or a connected bracelet to better track its performance day by day will probably motivate more than one (e).

Choose the activity that suits us

In order to stay motivated, it is essential to choose your sports activity. For that, it is better to do according to his personal tastes than according to trends! Do you prefer solo activities, group lessons, water sports, combat sports? What are we looking for first? To empty his head, to let off steam, to carve his body, to perform, to decompress to chase stress?

Warm up and stretch before and after the sport to avoid pain

To want to return to the gym or simply to continue on its way, in team or solo, it is essential to adopt the right gestures before and after the sport session, for an effective recovery and especially to avoid muscle pain. Before the session, warm up well and after, stretch slightly. Above all, learn to recognize your limits and adapt your effort accordingly. No need to hurt yourself!