The skipping rope inevitably evokes the many hours spent hopping in the playgrounds with our girlfriends. Yet, it is not just a game accessory.

Boxers have been using it for decades in their training and crossfit enthusiasts can no longer do without it.

In Paris, you can even participate in fitness classes based solely on the skipping rope *.

A deserved craze at the sight of its many benefits.

How to use the skipping rope?

The main advantage of the skipping rope? It can be used anywhere, anytime, indoors or outdoors.

Just hold the wrists on each side of the body, jump together or one after the other, while doing a complete turn on the rope.

The pros of the discipline are able to make a double jump and variants ... But we are not there yet.

How to choose?

It is chosen according to its size and its objectives.

Beginners should opt for a basic rope, which allows you to go at a slow / moderate speed.

The more experienced can give preference to a rope with a ball bearing to jump at a much faster speed.

Improvement of the cardio, tonification ... The skipping rope and its benefits

The skipping rope muscle while refining the silhouette.

It is effective for burning calories (about 725 calories lost for 1 hour of practice, 200 after 20 minutes), have a flat stomach , thighs and a tonic gluteus.

Be careful, it is important to keep in mind that calories are only a reference, the effect depends on each person, each metabolism and our diet.

She also makes the shoulders work and curves her arms.

It improves coordination of movements, vertical relaxation and endurance, also increases cardiac resistance and prevents the appearance of varicose veins and venous problems.

Finally, it helps fight against cellulite and improves balance.

10 to 15 minutes, 4 times a week is a perfect rhythm to see a result. It can also be used to warm up with a sport training.


The practice of skipping rope is not recommended for people with heart problems, back pain or fragile joints and knees.

* R-Jump. More information on