A study conducted by two Swiss researchers (a professor, André-Pascal Sappino and an oncologist, Dr. Stefano Mandriota) reveals that antiperspirant deodorants would cause a risk of having breast cancer.

Published in the International Journal of Cancer, the study announces the presence of aluminum in breast tissue samples. There is thus a link between aluminum in antiperspirant deodorants and breast cancer.

Indeed, the results of the study demonstrate for the first time that aluminum salts are mutagenic for cells, turning them into cancer cells. Several studies have already focused on this topic, but during their research, the two Swiss have been able to provide some clarification by bringing mouse mammary cells (in vitro) into contact with aluminum salts at levels well below those present in a deodorant.

A few months later, they injected them into several groups of mice with different immune systems. All developed tumors to varying degrees, but some were aggressive with metastases.

Aluminum salts, what do the health authorities think?

Although these results are alarming and both researchers call for no longer use antiperspirant deodorants composed of aluminum salts, it is all a question of dosage.

Since 2011, the Afssaps (French Agency for Health Safety of Health Products) has become ANSM (National Agency for Drug Safety) recommends limiting the dose of aluminum salts to 0.6% in antiperspirants. Only the rate is almost never mentioned on product labels, so it's hard to trust ...

A solution to avoid aluminum salts

Scientists plan to continue their research to better understand the process. In the meantime, they strongly advise to give up antiperspirant deodorants. The Afssaps for its part is less categorical, but recommends to avoid applying an antiperspirant deodorant directly after skin freshly shaved or shaved: aluminum salts pass through the epidermis more easily in this case.

To avoid aluminum salts in deodorants, it is possible to turn to organic deodorants that do not contain this substance. However, they are less effective and ask, depending on the case, to be used several times a day ...

Discover a 100% natural deodorant recipe on marieclaireidees.com