"A month without tobacco is five times more likely to quit for good."

A reminder that we want to do the national operation "Me (s) without tobacco", organized for the second year in a row from 1 to 30 November 2017.

The idea? Provide the opportunity for those who wish to stop smoking for 30 days (minimum) with the support of a community of non-smokers in the making (via an application or Facebook groups) and participating in many animations organized throughout France, including fan-zones.

The opportunity to remember the many benefits of stopping smoking on our health.

Stopping smoking: quick health benefits

The French Federation of Cardiology is categorical: the first effects of stopping smoking on the body are felt extremely fast.

Twenty minutes after crushing our last cigarette, our heart rate and blood pressure drop.

After eight hours, oxygenation of the cells returns to normal and the level of carbon monoxide in the blood divides by two. After twenty-four hours, our body is cleared of nicotine and our lungs begin a work of evacuation of the residues of the smoke. Another good news: the risk of myocardial infarction decreases.

Two days have passed: we find the taste, the smell and our sleep is of much better quality.

From two weeks up to three months after crushing our last cigarette, we cough less, we find energy and a much better breath (we can take the stairs without feeling that our lungs are going to us let go!)

After one year, the risk of stroke is equivalent to that of a non-smoker

However, it takes a year to see the risk of developing coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction) halve.

Beyond this, the risk of stroke is equivalent to that of a non-smoker and after five years, the risk of developing lung cancer by two is divided.

Finally, after ten to twenty long years fighting against the urge to light a cigarette, the risk of being touched by cancer of the mouth, esophagus or bladder just begins to be the same as a non-smoking person.

Let's not forget that this initiative also benefits the health of others, especially our children, husbands, wives, friends, colleagues ... first victims of passive smoking.

As a reminder, tobacco kills 73,000 people each year in France (WHO, Catherine Hill, 2012).

* http://mois-sans-tabac.tabac-info-service.fr/inscription?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI89uJ-62b1wIV9hXTCh33jAQ6EAAYASAAEgJbNvD_BwE