"This year, it's decided: I'm going back to sport!"

Many people have already spoken or heard this sentence in the form of a good resolution. Yet, past the excitement of the recovery, the purchase of a new sports outfit and registration in the state-of-the-art room comes (very) fast that of relaxation, or even abandonment.

So, how to resume the sport without putting pressure and especially, without dropping his sneakers after a few sessions? Here are 5 tips to help us stay motivated.

  • Take back sport in good company

To find a real motivation to resume the sport, Jean-Christophe Blin, head coach at Usine Opera, advises to find an accomplice.

We join several: with his spouse, a friend or even better, a group of friends (e) s.

Training with a sports coach with whom you have a good feeling is also a good source of motivation.

Finally, the coach adds that "the geographical location of the activity is also important. She must not be too far either from her place of work or from her home. "

  • Set goals (and rewards)

So that the resumption of the sport settles durably, if not being tempted to give up too quickly, Jean-Christophe Blin proposes to set goals attainable: "to make a competition for example, a race on foot or cyclist".

It can also be a simple goal, such as succeeding in doing something that you want to succeed for a long time, catch your bus without being breathless, for example.

  • Choose the right activity

In order to stay motivated, it is essential to choose your sports activity. She is chosen according to her personal tastes and personality.

Solo activities, team sports, group lessons, water sports, combat sports ? The possibilities are many, we take the time to decide!

"Do not choose a sport where you have to run if you hate running," advises Jean-Christophe Blin.

  • Adopt certain reflexes so as not to hurt

To want to return to the gym or its course, we adopt the right gestures before the session and after, for a more effective recovery.

Before the session, we warm up well and after, we stretch slightly: "the stretching should not be painful," says the coach. The important thing is to adapt your effort.

If possible, we make a sauna by respecting the body cooling with cold water, then we drink water rich in bicarbonate.

Arnica oil, used in massage, is also ideal for recovery.

The little tip of the coach for a moment of relaxation and effective recovery? "Take a bath a little below body temperature with lavender essential oil, previously diluted in a tablespoon of bubble bath or shower gel".

  • Register the sport in its routine

This is the most delicate part and it is nevertheless the most important. Sport has to become a routine.

How to do ? "Set one or more slots in the week with or without friends and plan a long-term professional and private organization to successfully stick to it," says Jean-Christophe Blin.

And if the first sessions are difficult, we must relativize: "The body and the brain always need a period of adaptation and learning," says our expert.

No worries, the first sessions are not necessarily indicative of what you will do in the long run.

"There is often a bad course to go before synchronization with it," he reassures.

Above all, persevere and do not give up too quickly.