WhatsApp , a startup launched by two former Yahoo !, was bought on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 by Facebook for $ 16 billion . The company's 55 employees and the two founders are expected to receive as much as $ 2 billion. About $ 40 million per person ... A great deal for this very young company of only 5 years .

WhatsApp what is it?
WhatsApp (from "What's up?" Which means "What's New?") Is an instant messaging application for smartphones . It allows users to exchange images, videos, audio or written massages through their internet connection. In short, WhatsApp presents itself as a better alternative to SMS (which remain very expensive when communicating from abroad, unlike WhatsApp which can be used from a Wi-fi network) because more instinctive and complete.

A planetary success
In 5 years WhatsApp has seduced 450 million users worldwide . And the company keeps growing. There are more than 1 million new users every day . That's why Marc Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook said "WhatsApp is well on its way to quickly reaching a billion users."