No products of animal origin: this is the basic rule of the vegan diet. More than a diet, veganism is a real way of life ... which is more and more followers.

The veggie trend is growing

Even if the strict followers remain a minority (4% of vegetarians, 3% of vegans among us, according to an Ifop survey, April 2017), the veggie wave continues to rise. Vegans now have their day (November 1), their salons (VeggieWorld in Paris on 14-15 October, in Lyon on January 27-28, 2018), their restaurants, their stores (the sign Naturalia opened in June 3 addresses 100% organic and vegan in Paris).

Why does it work?

Good for the health, for the planet and for the respect of animal welfare, the vegan tendency has many assets. The videos showing the violence in the slaughterhouses also gave him moral relevance. Without excluding it altogether, many of us are reducing our consumption of meat (so-called flexitarism) and looking for alternative recipes.

Our flagship books

Vegan and healthy books abound, focusing on vegetable proteins, vegetables and legumes, cereals ... Priestess of the well-being kitchen, Angèle Ferreux-Maeght exposes her vegetable recipes in La Guinguette d'Angèle (398 p., 25 € , Marabout). But the most complete Bible has just appeared, with 450 recipes that are 100% vegan from around the world, proof of great creativity and diversity: Vegan, the book of vegan cuisine , by Jean-Christian Jury, 480 p., 39 , 95 €, Phaidon.