"Charlatanism", "fake medicines" ... Here are the words, virulent, that 124 doctors used in a forum published on March 18, 2018 in the columns of Figaro, denouncing the increasing use of non-conventional medicine. In the spotlight: acupuncture , naturopathy, sophrology but also and especially homeopathy , which is currently partially reimbursed by the Social Security (note: on the basis of a traditional consultation for a homeopathic consultation and 30% for homeopathic medicines prescribed).

A month later, the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn had in turn expressed on this subject on RMC. She said about homeopathy that it was a "medicine that probably has a placebo effect" but that "does no harm". And explain that homeopathy is currently the only alternative medicine, called "soft", reimbursed by the Social Security "because the French are attached to it".

But the latter may well have changed their minds on the issue. Invited Thursday, May 24 on France Inter, the minister has qualified her previous comments: "We decided to reimburse homeopathy without any scientific evaluation, maybe it could go into common law and be evaluated. it will be refunded, if it is useless, it will stop being. "

Note that homeopathic medicines are prescribed by health professionals graduating from schools recognized by the College of Physicians. They may be general practitioners or specialists, who must have received a homeopathy teaching curriculum. Since 2011, midwives also have the right to recommend them, for pathologies related to pregnancies.

Disbursing would save 129 million euros

If homeopathic medicines were to be completely paid off by the Social Security, it could could save 129 million euros each year. Who says derogation, said payment of 100% treatment to the patient.

Currently, more than 50% of French people consume homeopathic medicines. In total, in France, the turnover of this market accounts for 200 million euros each year.

Despite numerous scientific studies, the true effectiveness of homeopathy has not been demonstrated to date.