If the tips for losing weight flock, tips for gaining weight properly, they are much more rare or even challenging.

And yet, for many women, gaining weight is a real fight on a daily basis. Incomprises sometimes, little heard often, these women are often misinformed and advised.

Yet, they are almost 4% to consult a dietician in order to gain weight. Who are these women affected by weight loss problems? How can they get fat without fat? Should they adopt particular habits?

Marieclaire.fr: Who are the women who may be affected by the need to gain weight?

Valérie Espinasse: First, it concerns all people with an overactive metabolism. This type of metabolism is characterized by an above-average consumption of calories. But the need to gain weight also affects all people who have suffered significant weight loss am to a long hospitalization, an illness ...

How to gain weight without "fattening"?

VE: The main mistake you can not make to gain weight without fattening is not having too much sugar.

What are the basics of a diet to gain weight in the long run?

VE: To gain weight properly in the long term it is essential to have a highly diversified diet, to consume protein and starchy foods at every meal, to introduce vegetable protein as often as possible and to consume only those foods. good fats (oils, oleaginous ...).

Are there lifestyle habits to adopt to gain weight?

VE: The best lifestyle habit to adopt is to play sports or have a daily physical activity, such as walking, or cycling for example. The idea is to improve muscle development.