On March 21, 2018, an update made by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on its website revealed the existence of a link between breast implants and a risk of anaplastic large cell lymphoma , which is a disease malignant immune system .

An alarming increase in the number of lymphomas

According to the FDA, 55 new cases of this unusual cancer caused by breast implants have been reported in several countries, including the United States. In just one year, the number of cases recorded increased from 359 to 414. The number of deaths recorded by the health care organization has not changed and remains at 9.

The agency nevertheless nuances these figures and recalls that such an increase could partly be linked to increased awareness around this phenomenon, and consequently to the increase in the number of screenings.

A particularly revealing symptom

Among the symptoms caused by the presence of anaplastic large cell lymphoma, the easiest to detect is abnormal swelling around the implant. It can occur at any time after surgery (2 to 28 years after according to the FDA).

In addition, the Food and Drug Administration states that a lack of symptoms is still reason enough to consider that a woman is out of danger and does not need to be screened if she does not want it.

10 million women affected worldwide

This very particular form of cancer remains extremely "rare" in view of the number of women with implants. In the United States there are approximately 300,000 women with breast prostheses for aesthetic reasons and 150,000 others for cancer . All in all, in the world, more than 10 million women are affected.

If the pathology is revealed early enough, it can be cured by surgery to remove the implant and the scar tissue formed around it. But not all patients are housed in the same brand and some, less fortunate, must receive a heavy treatment over the long term. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are sometimes necessary to prevent the disease from being fatal.

Some implants more dangerous than others

All types of prostheses do not seem to be concerned. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (quoted by the "New York Times" ) explains that "lymphoma currently seems to develop mainly in women with textured implants (note: with a rough surface)."

Judged too irritating, the outer layer of this type of implant is particularly pointed by some experts who consider it responsible for the inflammation causing the appearance of lymphoma. Other experts believe that textured implants trap bacteria and that it is an infection that is the main cause.

This type of very popular implant is often favored by doctors because it promotes the development of scar tissue around them, able to protect them as well as sustainably maintain them.

The inside of the prostheses, whatever its nature, does not seem to have a significant impact. In addition, women who have been previously treated for breast cancer are no more likely than others to experience anaplastic large cell lymphoma.

Towards further research

In response to these revelations, Dr. Binita Ashar, director of the FDA's surgical devices division, said he wanted to offer "total transparency", adding that "the FDA has nothing more to announce in this regard. Stadium."

Some data still needs to be studied by the agency, in collaboration with other qualified institutions, in order to obtain more precise information on this disease in the coming months.

* More information on the FDA website