Because summer is coming and you are not yet ready to run on the sand wearing your best bikini! Here are 5 tips to apply - all or part - today:

  • Drink water

Water is 60% of the total weight of our body. But be careful, you must not deprive yourself of water in the hope of losing weight. On the contrary, the rationed organization starts to save the little water it receives, causing the phenomenon of water retention and which usually goes hand in hand with swelling.

Above all, it is essential to drink water to hydrate the body! The regular consumption of water also contributes to the elimination of fat by its draining effect on the body. Favor magnesium-rich waters that will make you feel full, and drink up to 2 liters a day.

drink water

  • Eating a fruit rather than drinking fruit juice

Replace your fruit juice with a fruit is an essential reflex to adopt. Firstly, fruit juice bought in supermarkets is very rich in added sugars. And also because a fruit with all its fibers fills your stomach more than a large glass of liquid.

  • Eat 5 meals a day

And yes ! Split instead of depriving yourself. The program :

  • 5 meals a day,
  • spaced 3 hours apart
  • between 7 am to 7 pm
  • a main meal at 1 pm

The trick is to focus on lean proteins. As for the consumption of water, skipping meals is absolutely not advisable. Here again your body makes reserves of fat to make up for the lack of input to come.

put on an appetite suppressant smoothie

  • Prepare gourmet appetite suppressants

Like for example with a smoothie. Rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, the appetite suppressant smoothie consists of 30cl of almond milk, 4 to 6 dates, ΒΌ avocado and 1 teaspoon of Human Ration.

  • Eliminate cellulite thanks to cryotherapy

Cryotherapy? A barbaric name that for the moment probably does not evoke much. It is actually a slimming technique that removes fat by intense cold. According to experts, long-term exposure to cold prevents the reproduction of fat cells that are thus destined to die during the procedure, for 80% of them. To practice at a specialist, usually at a cosmetic doctor.