More than 60,000 tons of pesticides used every year in France, while hundreds of municipalities now advocate "zero" pesticides such as in Marans, Charente-Maritime, which organizes twice a year a day "I weed my neighborhood". What if we were inspired by their ways of gardening without pesticides?

1 - Weeds are anticipated.

In order to do this, we cover the foot of the plants with a mineral mulch (gravel, pebbles, slates ...) or organic, but neutral, not to change the PH of the soil (hemp flakes, coconut ...) Not bad also ground cover plants (ivy, sedum, potential ...). Avoid: straw or mowing residues that attract slugs.

2 - Weeds are eliminated naturally.

They nest on the terrace or at the bottom of the walls? They are sprayed with cooking water (pasta, potatoes, etc.) which is still very hot (> 70 °) rather than using a thermal weed- er that emits greenhouse gases. Otherwise for the flowerbeds, it is the good old hoe!

3- We opt for organic.

Yes even in bio we sometimes need to treat. This is done with products bearing the UAB mark for "Usable in organic farming" or the label "AB". And we go soft. Even natural, these products have an impact on nature: pyrethrum, for example, sprays too much to rid the plant of aphids but also attacks other precious insects.

Thanks to François Veillerette, President of Future Generations for his advice.