All about anti-cellulite foods
Papaya: anti-cellulite weapon
Arguments: anticellulite weapons
Artichoke: anti-cellulite weapon
Cabbage: anticellulite weapon
Lawyer: anti-cellulite weapon
Onion: anticellulite weapon
Fat fish: anticellulite weapons
Parsley: anticellulite weapon

All about anti-cellulite foods

Cellulite or "orange peel" is a relationship with local veinolymphatic circulation .
Its causes of learning are multiple: lack of sports activity, insufficient hydration, poor diet ...

The book "Slimming Foods" by Dr. Laurence Lévy-Dutel and Florence Sabas reveals a list of diuretic foods, fat burners and rich in fiber and therefore anti-cellulite!

Green tea: anticellulite weapon
Green tea has diuretic and slimming properties that make it your best ally against water retention and cellulite. It promotes destocking and elimination of lipids accumulated in fat cells. Green tea also limits the absorption of lipids and carbohydrates. It also protects against cardiovascular disease and reduces cholesterol.

Papaya: anti-cellulite weapon

The papaya is a source of dietary fiber and can help satisfy the appetite by quickly bringing a feeling of satiety. A high fiber diet is associated with a lower risk of colon cancer . Papaya is rich in vitamins C, A, and E, powerful antioxidants.

Its enzyme , papain, allows a better digestion of proteins . This fruit is present on our markets from November to March.
And good news: its average caloric value is 30 Kcal per 100g!

Arguments: anticellulite weapons

All citrus fruit (lemon, kumquat, orange, grapefruit ...) are excellent sources of vitamin C , a powerful antioxidant. Oranges also contain flavonoids that can improve blood circulation and strengthen capillarity . The average caloric value is 25 to 40 Kcal per 100g.

Artichoke: anti-cellulite weapon

The artichoke is a high source of fiber . Thus, its consumption is associated with a lower risk of colon cancer , and can help control appetite by bringing a feeling of satiety more quickly. The artichoke has a strong antioxidant power. The caloric value is 40 kcal per 100g.

Cabbage: anticellulite weapon

Green cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli cabbage, Brussels sprouts ... are rich in magnesium, iodine and zinc . They regulate the assimilation of sugars and diminish the appetite .
Note: Cabbage is extremely low in calories , with about 28 kcal per 100g.

Lawyer: anti-cellulite weapon

Avocado is a fruit-vegetable quite particular since it contains lipids whereas all the other fruits and vegetables are deprived of it. It is rich in essential fatty acids that improve the health of the skin and blood circulation.

Avocado is also a good source of Vitamin E (an essential vitamin for healthy skin).
Its caloric value is 120-140 kcal per 100 g.

Onion: anticellulite weapon

The onion regulates the absorption of sugar and activates the elimination of fat . It fights cellulite by eliminating water and toxins . Onion is an excellent source of vitamins C and E (antioxidants). It is also a "healthy" food against cardiovascular diseases.

Fat fish: anticellulite weapons

Oily fish and fish oils are among the healthiest foods to fight against cellulite . Indeed, fish contain a lot of so-called "essential" fatty acids .

These fatty acids help strengthen and strengthen skin cells , and thus improve its tone and texture.

Parsley: anticellulite weapon

Parsley has diuretic and appetite suppressing properties because of its fiber content and the flavor it adds to a dish. Its anti-cellulite action results in the reduction of fat storage.