Solar exposure, and therefore UV (ultra violet), has its good and bad sides on our skin and our body.

How to enjoy the sun safely? We give you the right procedure to follow.

In small doses, UV not (necessarily) so harmful ...

UV is essential for the body since it stimulates the production of vitamin , particularly beneficial to the calcification of our bones. Especially since it is not present in our diet.

UV also allows, under medical supervision, to treat certain inflammatory diseases of the skin such as psoriasis or eczema .

Finally, it is these rays that, by accelerating the production of melanin, give our skin the golden tan tan. A very desirable good-looking effect, which is only a mechanism of self-defense of the skin.

To enjoy these benefits, it is out of the question to expose yourself for hours! A few minutes a day are enough.

It is also important to point out that artificial UVs used by tanning booths have no positive effect on health. They respond only to an aesthetic criterion. On the other hand, their misdeeds on our skin are now proven.

Rays responsible for skin aging

If they represent only 5% of the sun's radiation, UV is particularly harmful for the skin.

There are three types: UVA and UVB, which are often mentioned on sun creams, and UVC. Less known, they are the most dangerous and are fortunately stopped by the ozone layer.

UVB radiation is the main cause of sunburn. These are the best-known effects of intensive UV exposure, but unfortunately they are not the only ones.

Indeed, UVA rays, which penetrate deeper into the skin, cause premature cutaneous aging. Under their action, the skin gradually loses its elasticity, becomes dry and rough.

In addition, they cause an excessive production of localized melanin, thus causing the appearance of brown spots .

UV, the leading risk factor for skin cancer

Excessive UV exposure, whether natural or artificial, is the leading cause of skin cancer.

These are unfortunately more and more frequent. This risk factor increases if one has a fair complexion and / or a personal or family history.

Melanoma is the most formidable skin cancer. It can develop on healthy skin or on a mole .

In case of suspicious stain, consult a doctor promptly. Early detection greatly increases the chances of recovery. It can never be said enough: prevention is the best weapon we have against these diseases.

Avoid exposing yourself as much as possible (especially between 12h and 16h), protect themselves effectively with a sun protection adapted to its phototype and proscribe the UV cabins are good reflexes to acquire.