What signs show that my pet has poisoned?

Our animals can also be victims of food poisoning . If, in humans, intoxication is quickly identified and treated, in animals it is sometimes difficult to understand what is happening and the consequences can be dramatic for our 4-legged friend. To avoid damage, it is better to know the symptoms in order to quickly react and save the life of Félix or Médor.

In dogs , food poisoning can cause:

  • a significant weakening
  • spasms and convulsions
  • loss of appetite
  • partial paralysis
  • a rise in temperature
  • diarrhea
  • vomitings
  • breathing difficulties

In cats , the main symptoms of food poisoning are:

  • vomitings
  • a general weakening
  • breathing difficulties
  • urine of brown color

What if my pet ingests a poisonous food?

If any of these symptoms are observed , it is best to contact the veterinarian quickly and make an appointment as soon as possible (within 24 hours). While waiting to consult it, we keep an eye on the animal and we do our best to support it. It is prevented from feeding and common sense is used when it is heated / cooled according to whether its temperature is low or high.

If we see our animal swallowing a toxic food , we intervene as soon as possible. First we try to remove him from the mouth and if we do not reach it we contact the veterinarian. The ideal is to give him the maximum possible information (what is the food ingested? In what quantities?) And to give him the basic information on the animal (race, age, health problem ...) . An appointment should be made within 2 hours of ingestion. If the veterinarian deems it necessary, he can then inject the animal to induce vomiting.

Discover below 10 toxic foods for your animals

1/10 lawyer
iStock / NadiaCruzova

We, we love it. But for our animal, the lawyer can be deadly. It contains a toxic element that can cause breathing difficulties and damage the organs of our animal. So many ailments that are responsible for the high fat content of avocado.

2/10 Chocolate
iStock / nerudol

We know that it is not recommended for dogs but we sometimes forget that it is also bad for cats. The reason ? Chocolate contains theobromine, this component has no effect on us but the dog and cat organisms do not digest it as well. Worse, it affects their nervous system and can even be fatal. Dark chocolate and cooking chocolate are the most dangerous but it all depends on the dose ingested. In any case, it is better to keep him away from his animal, in his own interest.

3/10 The onions and garlic
onions of all colors
iStock / Olha_Afanasieva

Like vampires, dogs and cats fear garlic and onions. The reason ? The onion is toxic to the blood of our animals. Raw or cooked, it's the same story: the compounds in garlic and onion destroy the red blood cells and stop the transport of oxygen in the blood. They are boycotted in the bowl and we do not let them hang around!

4/10 Milk
cats and bottles of milk
iStock / GeloKorol

Well, yeah. Giving milk to a cat is really not a good idea. On the dog side, in adulthood, they develop lactose intolerance and can no longer digest this sugar contained in dairy products. Cat side, once weaned, the animal is unable to digest lactose contained in milk because it no longer produces enough lactase, the enzyme capable of ensuring its digestion.

5/10 The grapes and pome fruits
dog in a vine barrel
iStock / LaraKursina

Dry or fresh, the grapes are toxic to the dog. There is also a question of quantity but it seems that it is toxic from 4g per kilo weighed by the animal (for raisin). For cats too it's risky. The kernels of apricots, peaches, pears, cherries contain cyanogenic glycoside, a plant toxin toxic to cats.

6/10 Coffee
Cup of coffee
iStock / efetova

Caffeine stimulates us ... but it speeds up our pet's heart rate. A small amount is enough to poison a feline and seriously affect the health of a dog. In fact, caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and cardiac systems of the canine.

7/10 Salt
salt crystals
iStock / fortton

Salt causes significant dehydration that can be fatal to our 4-legged companions! If our cat craves canned tuna, giving it regularly is not a good option. Canned tuna contains too much salt and can cause kidney problems.

8/10 Nuts
iStock / popovaphoto

The problem of nuts? Their high phosphorus content makes their digestion difficult in animals. Macadamia nuts, especially, are a real danger for dogs and cats. The toxicity of Macadamia nuts for dogs has recently been found to be ingested resulting in increased temperature, high fever, increased heart rate, tremors and weakness. In short they are removed from the menu of Rex and Felix.

9/10 Raw dough
raw cake dough
iStock / sarahdoow

For dogs, it's forbidden! Blame it on the yeast that causes stomach swelling and, in the most extreme cases, can break the stomach or intestine.

10/10 Chestnuts
brown in their bug
iStock / natmint

In chestnut, leaves, buds and fruits can be responsible for intoxication. The toxic dose is poorly known but to protect Medor, it is better to prevent it from playing with leaves and chestnuts.

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