For whom: For those who wish to lose some weight and take good eating habits even in winter, where the caloric needs are higher.

The basis of the diet: A calendar, from October to February, offers a daily program, shopping to the table, thanks to simple and easy-to-find basic products. A simplified diet that allows you to balance your diet, vary the pleasures and know what to buy ...

The different phases: The diet does not have phases per se, since it consists of 91 days of complete menus - ie one semester - adapted to the food of the autumn and the winter. 4 new recipes a day: morning, noon, evening and desserts are offered, to avoid the routine of "already-seen" dishes.

What you should focus on: Fruits and vegetables of the winter! Very rich in vitamins C, they energize the body and protect against attacks of viruses and cold snaps: this is the case of citrus fruits, kiwis, exotic fruits and some vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli or spinach. Also favor foods rich in iron to fight against fatigue. A portion of meat or fish once a day and pulses from time to time are all good for the tone. Iron is all the better absorbed that it is associated, during the same meal, a food rich in vitamin C ...

Plus: Easy to follow, since all recipes are given to you. Over 300 different recipes are explained, designed for one person and able to multiply by as many guests. No recipe requires more than 40 minutes to prepare a complete meal at less than 1500 calories, with detailed explanations, with, as a bonus, advice on winter eating habits (risk of fatter, richer ... ).

The least: None, since you do not have to follow the recipes to the letter.

The results: very progressive, the diet puts more on a change of the food habits by varying the pleasures than on a real loss of weight.

For more information: Elsa de La Mazieres, The regime à la carte fall / yesterday , Editions Marabout, 160 pages.