Search apartment
Returning often rhymes with galley housing for students. Finding an apartment can quickly turn the real obstacle course between rents, high deposits and demanding homeowners. According to the UNEF and FNAG student associations, housing accounts for between 50% and 55% of a student's budget.

Keys in hand
A furnished apartment for free for a year? Societe Generale renews its operation "An apartment at the key". The principle: a treasure hunt for young people from 18 to 29 years old. It runs from September 2 to 14 simultaneously on the Internet and in 10 cities in France: Paris, Lille, Lyon, Grenoble, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Toulouse, Aix, Nancy and Nantes. An apartment is available by city. The bank pays rent, agency fees and allocates a budget for water and electricity. Insurance is at the tenant's expense.

Treasure hunt
To play the participants register on September 2nd for free on . The goal: to collect the 20 keys that make it possible to reach the final key. They are hidden on websites and in each of the 10 cities. The participant decides which track he favors: Internet, the city where he can decide to play on both sides. Two clues are transmitted every day on the page or directly on the mobile of the players via the application "A flat with the key" downloadable on IOS and Android.

The latest clue will be released Sept. 14 and will unlock the final key hidden in town. The fastest player will win the furnished apartment for rent for 1 year. That the losers are reassured, gifts are reserved for them. The key collection will be done in October with racks organized in each city. For Gaia actress and winner of the Paris apartment in 2012, this gain was a real boost : " I absolutely had to settle in Paris to evolve in my work. I could not afford to live out of school and this game was a real opportunity for me. "Competition is tough for bloodhounds. Last year, nearly 10,000 people tried the adventure. But the key to his little paradise is priceless.