When a study was launched * by the French Union of Specialized Nutrition in Adult Dietetics, the writing was skeptical! After one month of meal replacement consumption by 112 volunteers (82% of whom were women), the average BMI of the subjects decreased by 2.5%, a loss of 2.1Kilos. With a significant average decrease in waist circumference (minus 3 centimeters) of hip circumference (minus 1.9 centimeters) and thigh circumference (minus 1.4 centimeters). Even more surprising: after the six months following the test 18% had lost a little extra kilos and centimeters, and 44% had stabilized their weight.

Hard to believe, we who had not noticed the slightest thinning using these products. But maybe the planes we misused? Julie Avrillier, dietician, enlightens us.

  • All substitutes are not equal: we read the labels

There is "substitute" and "substitute". If you want to slim down safely, you must first check that the packaging contains the words: "Meal Replacement for weight control". In this case, the European legislation requires that the number of calories (between 250 to 400), the content of lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in order to cover the needs of essential nutrients and to avoid deficiencies be specified.

  • We do not eat "that" that

It is out of the question to keep (as we did regularly) one of the two chocolate bars of the "substitute meal" and nibble throughout the afternoon.

"Nutritionists who have designed these products recommend eating a meal the substitute in its entirety, and to accompany a fruit or a green vegetable and a dairy explains Julie Avrillier, dietician.This to avoid hunger and so the nibbles , preserve a good transit and especially not to cut oneself of any social life.Every regime is doomed to failure if one can not share moments of pleasure and conviviality ".

  • We do not use them all year long

The people who participated in this study consumed substitutes twice a day for 10 days and then one substitute for 20 days for a stabilization phase. Then, in the six months following the test, 44% of the people declared having used regular substitutes, (in cure, or before a big meal when they did not have the time of lunch). As a result, there is no rebound effect, and most have even reported better eating habits. 60% of consumers said they had a healthier lifestyle, prepare balanced meals and 59% said they had returned to more physical activity.

  • We learn how to eat and move

All brands indicate on their packaging a phone number or an email to a consumer service that allows for exchanges with dieticians. They provide advice and follow-up to help us resume normal nutrition. There are even recipes or tips to accompany meals and encourage us if necessary to change our eating habits.

Because there is no miracle. If the substitute helps to offload an average of two kilograms , you have to "re-learn" to eat well . And any good nutritionist will provide these tips full of common sense: do not eat only substitutes, favor protein (white meats, lean fish) low fat, give pride to fruits and green vegetables to avoid cravings, drink enough of water (about 1 liter per day) and move! Ideally, if one is resistant to sport, it is to walk and do at least 10,000 steps a day.

* The list of products tested during the study: Bars Bars Chocolate Cereals Insudiet, two bars for a meal, or 221 Kcalories. Gerlinéa biscuits, two biscuits per meal or 343 Kcalories. Milk shake Herbalife, a serving of 26gr of powder per meal, or 221 Kcalories. Vanilla Cream and Chocolate Cream, Gerlinéa a cup per meal either 211 or 213 Kcalories. Pro Diétic soup, one packet per meal, ie 206 Kcalories. Pro Diétic salty cake, a sachet to be reconstituted per meal, ie 225 Kcalories.