Of course, bananas are not the first fruit we think of to lose weight. Yet the banana diet has proved successful in Japan before spreading everywhere. The banana is a very caloric fruit, because very rich in sugars. These carbohydrates can actually make you fat when you do not consume them properly.

But banana is also an excellent source of fiber, good for weight loss, and also vitamin B. But the biggest asset of banana diet is lipase, a fat burning enzyme. The banana is an ideal food to fill up with energy and to be in shape, to not have strokes of fatigue and to resist the viruses of the winter. In the banana diet, the fruit is combined with other foods to compensate for its caloric intake and benefit from a balanced diet. With the banana diet, weight loss is usually around 2 pounds per week.


To follow a banana diet, nothing more simple, fill up on bananas. Then you have to make some adjustments in your daily life.

At breakfast, the banana is at will, accompanied by water. You are entitled to a snack in the morning, based on fruits other than banana, and at least 20 minutes after breakfast.

At lunch, indulge yourself, but, of course, without overdoing fat and sugar. A white meat and good vegetables, as well as a dairy make an excellent lunch.

Afternoon snack is possible. It must be based on a fruit or a dry biscuit.

And in the evening, it is still a pleasure meal, without abuse and respecting a balanced and varied diet.


The banana diet is apparently very basic. It would be enough to replace his traditional breakfast with bananas at will. In fact, it is a slightly more subtle diet, based on the respect of organic rhythms. The goal is not to torment your body, but to lose weight while maintaining a certain harmony. If you follow the banana diet, you will drink plenty of water. Always keep water outside the fridge, as only water at room temperature should be drunk under the banana diet.

Sport is not disadvised, on the contrary, but only if you feel like it, not necessarily every day and on a regular basis. The banana diet prohibits exercise in the afternoon. Prefer the morning or the end of the day for your favorite sports activities. Choose fresh fruits, especially not blackened or their action is less effective. Afternoon snack is not when you are hungry, but only at 3pm. As for dinner, it's always before 8 pm