How does the vacu step work?

What is the Vacu Step: A fitness device consisting of a box equipped with elliptical pedals to burn fat on the lower part of the body (hips, stomach, thighs, buttocks, knees) and effectively reduce cellulite thanks to the combination of smooth and regular movements in a space emptied of its air.

The course of a session of Vacu Step: After placing a sensor under the chest (it allows to control the heart rate) and then donned a neoprene skirt, it is installed in the box (the lower part of the body is completely enclosed ). During the first five minutes, you begin the exercise without any effort: the movements are similar to walking. The next 20 minutes, we accelerate the pace, but the intensity is still accessible to the less athletic of us! During this period, one feels the increased pressure with a rather pleasant sensation of "sucker" at the level of the legs. The last 5 minutes, we slow down the pace again, the pressure decreases.

Most of the Step Vacu: The protocol improves the blood supply. At the end of each session, you feel a sensation of lightness in the legs.

For whom the Vacu Step? Those who wish to relocate the encrusted cellulite. Sporty or sedentary, the Vacu Step is accessible to all.

Step Vacu Result: The results are visible very quickly. The silhouette is considerably refined: loss of centimeters around the belly and thighs. The skin is visibly smoother, the cellulite completely faded.

We do not forget: During the session we must hydrate regularly. It is also strongly recommended to consume protein during meals.

Good timing: 4 to 5 sessions of 30 minutes per week for optimal results. We can count on the coaching of Odile Dellier * to motivate her " daughters " to the assiduity: " I prefer that they do not do the protocol at all rather than they follow it badly and that in the end they are disappointed by the results. "

The good outfit for the Vacu Step: A shorts and a brassiere in the ideal, otherwise loose clothes. To avoid completely: tights and leggings

The price of Vacu Step: 250 euros the 20 sessions (or 12.50 euros per session).

Good plan: The first session is offered.

Where to learn?

Where to get started: Throughout France in accredited institutes.
Telephone numbers: 01 40 76 07 23

In Paris, we love the new Anne'Belle space located rue du Louvre. The atmosphere is good kid, we motivate ourselves, compare the results, share magazines or even a papotte during Vacu Step sessions.

44, rue du Louvre 75001 Paris
01 45 08 42 10

The opinion of the vacu step tester

Delphine, 26 years old

"It's impressive as the result is visible, I melted like snow in the sun and it was seen from the tenth session. My skin is much smoother as when applying a slimming cream that works! The only constraint was to fit the 5 weekly sessions into my schedule, but the result was worth it. I think I will continue to do a few sessions a month, just to maintain the result. "

4 questions to Odile Dellier *

Odile Dellier * exclusive distributor in France of the Vacu Step and manager of the Anne'Belle Institute answers to

Who are the users of Vacu Step?

The Vacu Step is aimed at a very broad target, I would say 14 to 80 years old. I know a physiotherapist who gives it to his 14-year-old overweight patient. Since there are no particular constraints, everyone can use it. On the other hand it is forbidden for pregnant women, and medical advice is recommended to people with cardiovascular disease, thrombosis, epilepsy ... But otherwise among my users, there are retirees as active women, sports or not.

What is the difference between Cellu M6 and Vacu Step?

The Cellu M6 will do a job outside, that is to say on the surface of the skin while the Vacu Step will act from inside to outside as it works on the blood circulation. As the Vacu Step acts much more deeply, the results are convincing and sustainable.

How to make the Vacustep's results last?

An interview of one to two sessions per week may suffice.

What is the general feeling of your customers?

The Institute's Golden Book is already full and there are only positive reviews! I have a client who has directly chained a second package as she was satisfied with the result. She lost 30 centimeters of waist in 40 sessions! I know only one case that did not work: the young woman was already very athletic and very muscular, so she lost no centimeter since she had no fat to melt!