This method is newer. On natural nails if they are long enough or on capsules if your nails are too short, it comes to deposit a layer of gel on the nail, one stretches it, that is to say that one standardizes all over the nail before drying it under the UV lamp. Several stages are necessary, between three and four in general: a base to reinforce the nail, one lime, one deposits the color (two layers) or the french one and finally the freezing of finish. Then we put the nail in shape with a file. You can keep them between 3 and 4 weeks, depending on your regrowth speed. To remove the gel, simply file it and dilute the residues on the nail.
The ? It is quick to apply and is not traumatic for your nails, detachments are rare and thus the risk of fungal infections are limited. The result is very natural and the effect brilliant. And why not gel polish?
The - ? The quality of the gels is very variable and if the nails are not well protected, this method weakens them.


They are found in large surfaces in boxes: these capsules have different lengths, different sizes and even different styles, because some are already decorated, ready to use! But nothing prevents you to put your personal touch and give them a different form or get started in the nail art for a more original.
The ? They are sold with a bottle of glue, their installation is easy and fast. A few minutes will be enough to pass your nails that you can not stand any more star nails.
The - ? We must not keep them for weeks. This type of capsule must be used on an ad hoc basis: for a party, on the occasion of the holidays, for a wedding ... One can rather speak of a solution of breakdown.


This product is less and less used in nail salons. Yet resin has had its glory days not so long ago. It is still used in some small institutes, but much criticized!
The ? The resin is clearly less expensive than the gel.
The - ? The result is quite crude compared to the gel: the nails become very thick. The strong smell of the product during the pose is a negative point as well as the yellowish color that appears when the nails are exposed to the sun. Ladies, before you get into the madness of the false nails, it's up to you to judge and choose the process that will satisfy you.