Children will be honored on 16 September at the Imagine Institute. On the occasion of the Heritage Days, this research center on genetic diseases invites children and adults to come and discover an unusual place. Scientific but especially playful!

A genetic heritage

The Imagine Institute hopes to make this day a day full of discoveries . Starting with the architecture of the building, designed by the famous architects Jean Nouvel and Bernard Valéro. Children will also be able to participate in workshops to understand the DNA extraction process , as well as the culture of the cells. On this special day, the Institute wishes to show the importance of its role and how important it is to conduct research on genetic diseases to cure or at least improve the quality of life of millions of people.

The Imagine Institute, research and discovery center

The role of the Imagine Institute is to understand the genetic heritage of children in order to better treat and prevent genetic diseases. No fewer than 900 doctors, researchers and health workers are actively working on the 9,000 diseases identified by the Institute. In Europe, 35 million people are affected by these diseases, including 3 million in France. More than half of the children who come to the hospital are discharged without diagnosis, and 90% of genetic diseases have not yet been treated. All or almost remains to be discovered.

Inscriptions needed on [email protected]

Departures from visits at 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm and 4 pm - Free 45-minute visit