Become in recent years real public enemies, the hairs remain a natural defense of our body. And especially at the pubis.

If the trend is to hair-removal at will or shave our entire intimate parts , US science journalists at AsapScience, a Youtube channel of scientific information, wanted to recall the reasons why we should avoid eradicating our hair.

Hair, a natural barrier against micro-lesions and infections

A real barrier against germs and infections, pubic hair has a real protective function.

Unfortunately, pubic hair removal and shaving can pose a significant risk of micro-injury, which by their location can lead to infection and / or transmission of STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and papillomavirus (HPV) infections. .

Itching, redness and ingrown hairs can also be at the rendezvous.

We think twice before drawing his razor or electric epilator .

Hair and sexuality: a privileged relationship

The hairs are also excellent pheromone sensors: in fact, they allow, according to the different periods of the month, to capture certain molecular messages and to send sexual signals to our partner.

A legacy we owe to our dear prehistoric ancestors.

As a bonus, they protect us from friction during sexual intercourse.

It remains to take precautions when it comes to hair removal or shaving his intimate area .