Disgusting, cellulite can be experienced as a real burden, so its total eradication is often part of the most expensive wishes for well-being. To overcome and eliminate cellulite, a solution: adopt infallible anti cellulite weapons!

Determine the reasons for the appearance of cellulite to eliminate it effectively

First of all, it is important to determine what type of cellulite you have to then apply the right gestures, follow the proper diet and practice proper sports to eliminate it.

If you tend to have water retention and you feel swollen during menstruation, your orange peel may be the result of watery cellulite. In this case, consuming antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables and practicing water sports like aquagym or aquabike are ideal for eradicating cellulite effectively.

Your skin is painful to touch and irregularities are constantly visible? This is certainly fibrous cellulite. Bad news, it's the most difficult to dislodge. But as we say "valiant heart nothing impossible"! It eliminates all industrial sugars in the day and slow sugars and fast evening. The focus is on legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as calcium and zinc source foods. In parallel, we do yoga and / or walking for maximum impact!

Finally, the last possible case, the cellulite that appears after weight gain. This is called fat cellulite. To make it disappear, exit the cooked fats and sugar, hello fresh products, sources of minerals and vitamins. As for sport, fitness and endurance activities must be carried out regularly.

The advice of specialists to eliminate cellulite

Beauty rituals are also to put in place to lose cellulite so do not hesitate to seek advice from your pharmacist before buying creams, capsules and herbal teas. In writing, we asked for advice from specialists, find out here all their tips!