Belly that gurgles, bloating ...

Digestion sometimes turns into an obstacle course. And we still pay several hours after a meal too rich or spicy. Involved: a fragile stomach or a lazy digestive system without necessarily knowing why. There may be genetic causes, but nothing has been proven yet. The most likely explanation: our way of life. Stress, meal engulfed in 5 minutes chrono, sandwich without vegetable ... And if it was enough to change some habits to digest (finally) in peace?

We remember the basic rules

Fill up on fiber. Too often abandoned for the benefit of all-protein dishes (good for the line), fiber is the key to boost a lazy transit. By inflating with water, these vegetable substances help the food bowl to "go down" more easily and facilitate the work of the intestines. The right ration: about 20g per day to pick in fruits and vegetables (with the skin) and cereals (rather complete). Or, for example, 2 portions of 100 g of green vegetables 2 fruits 2 slices of wholemeal bread 50 g of walnuts or almonds.

However, beware of some vegetables (cabbage, artichoke, mushroom ...) and pulses (peas, lentils), which promote bloating: to consume well cooked and small dose, no more than once or twice a week .

Adopt fermented milks

The milk does not pass? Surely because of lactose, a sugar not always easy to digest, especially if one suffers from a lactase deficiency. It is indeed this digestive enzyme that helps to metabolize it, but it produces less and less over the years.

The solution: bet on yogurt or their clones rich in probiotics (Activia type). The lactose passed to the mill of the fermentation is from the start much more digestible.

Move a minimum

Notice to lazy people: the less you move, the longer it takes to digest the dish in the sauce of lunch. Blame it on soft abs. To speed up the transit, we say yes to the digestive walk after the meal and the sport, at least 30 minutes once or twice a week.

One can also opt for more relaxing disciplines like yoga .

We often have more little digestive problems when it's rush at work or when something is bothering us, in short, when we are stressed. Logic: via a complex mechanism in which hormones come into play, stress slows down our digestive system and can cause or aggravate gastric pain (the digestive tract being the most innervated organ of the body). So, for a Zen digestion, to us the methods of relaxation!

Take really time to eat

By letting the sensation of satiety come, we eat less, so we feel less heavy after. And by chewing each mouthful (several times, mouth closed to avoid swallowing too much air), it promotes the secretion of saliva that helps the stomach to do its job.

Why do men digest better?

At home, everything goes like a letter in the mail! No wonder, little digestive problems, and especially constipation, affect us more.

In question: the hormonal variations (menstruation, pregnancy, menopause) that affect the digestive tract and the contraction of the muscles of the colon, without knowing exactly how. And the fault to stress! Studies show that you get anxious more easily. And that does not help anything digestion ...

When to worry?

Diarrhea or constipation (often alternately), stomach pain , bloating ... these problems can hide an "irritable bowel syndrome". A disorder of the digestive system that affects 10 to 20% of the population, especially women. This is benign, but no question of underestimating these symptoms: it is better to consult a gastroenterologist to confirm the diagnosis and avoid missing out on more serious diseases (such as colon cancer).