What anguish, the drooping eyelid! Stop telling yourself that you can not do anything about it, for it is not true! There are solutions and good habits to take to lift your eyelids, without going through the scalpel box. But in fact, why do you have drooping eyelids? There are several factors: genetics, first of all (thank you Mom, thank you Dad!), Age afterwards, against which we can not much. On the other hand, exposure to the sun is an aggravating factor! We do not forget our sunglasses when we are outside! Finally, lifestyle, stress, fatigue, lack of sleep are all causes of our falling eyelids. To fight, here are 5 gestures to incorporate into his well-being routine!

Lifting Serum for the Eyelid

We are equipped with a special product, which will smooth the eyelid and regain a younger look. It is applied morning and evening, on the eyelid, just before the care of the eyes and the moisturizing cream. We choose a product doudou, which we love everything, because we risk not to let go!

Good eyebrow hair removal

To clear the eyelid and enlarge it, you must give up the eyebrows Cara Delevingne and pull out its tweezers. We epilate - only under the line, never above! - the eyebrows to open the eyes. As a result, your droopy eyelids are enhanced and your look more dynamic.

Facial gymnastics

You will never be told enough about all the benefits of facial gymnastics! With the right exercises, it is possible to lessen the falling effect of your eyelids. With the eyes open, push the inside of the eyelid as high as possible with two fingers. Blink and release. Repeat this movement a dozen times. Be careful, stay delicate! Another gesture: place the palms of your hands on the temples and apply a slight pressure to the back of the head. Blink a dozen times. Be careful not to press too hard.

Lifting anti-eyelid lifting patches

They exist in several sizes and melt under the eyeshadow, I named: the patches lifting to fight against drooping eyelids. We stick them in the morning in the fold of the eyelid to stretch it a little, we make up makeup. To camouflage the patch - already invisible - pat the blush with a brush just above the patch. In the evening, at the time of removing make-up, the patch is removed. The effect is amazing when you wear a patch! In addition, they know very quickly to be forgotten!

The right eye makeup

To enlarge the eyelids, apply an intelligent makeup! First step, you brush your eyebrows down and make up by drawing a very fine line just below the line, to define them. Then, we forget the glittery and iridescent eyeshadows that will accentuate the falling effect and put on matt materials. Finally, on the color side, we choose shades rather clear to enlarge, without opting for white that accentuates the volumes and would have the opposite effect to that expected. Eye shadows nude, light brown, pale pink, beige are your best allies!