Are you prone to stress and panic attacks? Here are 12 reflexes to adopt to avoid putting yourself in all your states.

  • Plan your days to avoid stressful situations

Planning is an ideal bulwark against stress attacks! This was proven by a 2011 study released at a Western Psychological Association forum . No place at random, so

  • Stop reading the "bad news"

No more reading the bad news in the newspaper: focus on the positive! A 2012 Canadian study found that women who read articles containing negative news produce more cortisol when stressed than those who do not read anything damning.

  • Listen to music

Listening to music can make you reach orgasm, but not that! Several studies have shown that relaxing music reduces heart rate, blood pressure and the production of stress hormone.

  • Chew gum

Chewing gum reduces stress, depression and anxiety, leading to a more positive mood, according to a study published last year in the journal Stress and Health.

  • Play sports

In addition to being able to relax in case of a panic attack, regular sports practice helps to relax more generally.

  • Hug your cat

Or your dog, or your chinchilla. And if stress attacks come from your workplace, try to bring Mistigri into your open-space. Or apply in a cat bar ...

  • Laugh in front of your favorite series

Laughter lowers levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, according to a study from Loma Linda University in California in 2008. A good excuse to repeat the 10 seasons of Friends, right?

  • Force yourself to smile

According to one study, people who smile even during a stressful activity had a lower heart rate after others.

  • Cuddle your loved ones

But if, it is the science that says it. Hugging a loved one stimulates the hormone oxytocin, which has the power to reduce the concentration of stress hormones, according to a 2013 study.

  • Make love !

Even more powerful than hugs: sex! A 2010 Princeton University study found that sex allowed the brain to regulate anxiety.

  • Have a cup of tea

A cup of tea helps reduce anxiety levels after a stressful event, according to a study. This would be thanks to L-Theanine, present in green and black tea. This probably explains the famous British phlegm.

  • Eat chocolate

Best for last: to reduce stress, you have to eat chocolate. A German study recommends eating a square of chocolate a day for two weeks to reduce the production of cortisol.
