For some, saying stop smoking can be a real challenge.

The ingredients for effective and sustainable weaning? An iron will and a method that corresponds to our needs. And solutions to quit smoking are not missing.

  • Nicotine substitutes (patch, chewing gum ...)

For who ? The "real" smokers, who have a physical dependence, who light their first cigarette on waking.

What is it about ? Nicotine substitutes provide nicotine, so that the need for nicotine is covered and signs of physical deprivation are not felt. However, unlike cigarettes that provide a peak of nicotine, here this intake will be done slowly and regularly, which does not support the addiction. Little by little, the need will decrease until it does not appear anymore. They come in the form of patches or patches that apply to the skin, chewing gums, tablets, or inhaler.

How long ? Nicotine replacement therapy lasts an average of 3 to 6 months.

How much does it cost ? The health insurance " supports, by prescription, treatments by nicotine substitutes (patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler ...) up to 150 € per calendar year and per beneficiary from 1 November 2016."

The : these are the only techniques recognized as effective in helping smoking cessation.

The -: if the physical dependence is taken care of, the psychic and behavioral dependence is not it. So you have to either be very motivated or get help.

  • Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies or CBT

For who ? Psychological addicts to cigarettes.

What is it about ? Understand the motivations and automatisms that drive smoking to help undo habits. Find alternative behaviors when you want to smoke a cigarette (brush your teeth, drink tea ...)

How long ? About 5 to 15 sessions are needed, or more or less depending on the smoker and his degree of dependence.

How much does it cost ? The consultations are reimbursed when they are carried out in a center of tobacco or addictology-tabacologie which are in some hospitals.

The : a real support that allows smokers to manage their stress and do a deep job.

The -: the physical dependence is not treated. It can be complementary.

  • Drug solutions

For who ? Heavy smokers (more than 15 cigarettes a day) who are physically dependent.

What is it about ? These psychotropic drugs (Bupropion LP (or Zyban), Varenicline (or Champix) can artificially prolong the effects of dopamine, naturally secreted by the body, and thus neutralize the sensation of withdrawal caused by withdrawal. prescription.

How long ? 2 to 7 weeks

How much does it cost ? Prices vary from one pharmacy to another but they are quite expensive and not reimbursed by social security.

The : if you smoke under Champix it does not cause feelings of pleasure.

The -: they only decrease the physical need to smoke but do not act on the behavioral addiction to the cigarette. Side effects (migraines, insomnia, depression ...).

For who ? For the curious who do not want to use drug solutions or nicotine substitutes.

What is it about ? Allen Carr wrote the book "The Simple Way to End the Cigarette", a method that helps to understand the functioning of his addiction and free himself from the illusions that are made around the cigarette. He works primarily on why we smoke and deconstructs the fear around stopping smoking.

How long ? Time to read the book!

How much does it cost ? About 8 euros, less than two packs of cigarettes.

The : the method would have worked on millions of people. And if they have not all stopped smoking, it seems that reading this book causes a click.

The -: it has certainly failed on many other people.

  • Coaching by phone, text message or email

For who ? Phone addicts who want personalized help.

What is it about ? The smoker receives text messages and videos every day with tips and messages of encouragement to help him or her quit smoking. Tobacco experts answer questions or help define a method at 39 89 (€ 0.15 / min from a landline, from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Saturday).

How long ? It depends on everyone.

How much does it cost ? Not expensive at first, unless you spend a lot of time!

The : It seems that smokers have on average almost twice as likely to be sober after six months of coaching.

The -: this method has an impact only on smokers already engaged in a stopping procedure, mainly repeat recidivists.

  • hypnosis

For who ? For followers of "alternative medicine", and want to try to stop the cigarette at once, without effort.

What is it about ? The doctor plunges his patient into a hypnotic state that is supposed to act on his unconscious in order to make him want to smoke.

How long ? It depends, a single session may be enough but sometimes more are needed.

How much does it cost ? Prices are very variable, from 50 to 300 euros per session.

The : for those on whom the method worked, sometimes only one session.

The -: hypnosis does not work on everyone.

  • E-cigarette

For who ? For those who have trouble giving up smoking.

What is it about ? The electronic cigarette or e-cigarette designates an electrical product in the form of a cigarette intended to simulate the act of smoking. It produces a vapor or "artificial smoke" that can be flavored (aroma of blond tobacco, brown, fruit, etc.) and contain or not nicotine.

How long ? Some people use it only to reduce their consumption of cigarettes.

How much does it cost ? About 90 euros, then 9 euros the 3 refills.

The : we can smoke anywhere! In the plane, at the cinema, at the office ...

The -: opinions on the effectiveness and the misdeeds of the electronic cigarette are shared. Afssaps, the association of health security, recommends not to consume an electronic cigarette. Studies go further: the electronic cigarette would be even more dangerous than tobacco.