Anna & Elsa, Mulan, Cinderella ... the Disney princesses are dreaming at all ages . Who did not want to slip into their imposing and sumptuous dresses? Micheal Anthony, an American designer who sees Disney princesses as her first fashion icons, pays tribute to her Instagram account by creating looks inspired by fairytale princesses.

Strong and Independent Women

After identically designing the ball gown of Belle in Beauty and the Beast , Micheal Anthony decided to take some liberties and create tailor-made outfits for our princesses. Anna, the Queen of Snows heroine, is dressed in dark purple trousers and a fur jacket waisted at the waist, Rebelle wears a sumptuous green tunic wide open on her plaid pants ... Our princesses preferred are no longer just girls, dressed in their robes. Now they wear outfits that make them strong and independent . This is in any case the image that wanted to give Micheal Anthony. Gone are the sequined dresses, froufrou, ruffles and other frills, Disney princesses now wear high-fashion and modern clothing. Midi skirt, asymmetrical neckline, colorful fur, the young designer has tapped into the trends of the moment to create unique looks.

Disney princesses but not only ...

But the creations of Micheal Anthony do not stop at Disney princesses. On his Instagram account, he unveils all his inspirations : nature, movie characters ... One can thus admire a voluptuous Marge Simpsons in a green dress, a sexy Christmas Mother and a working-girl version of the Batgirl. To appreciate without moderation!

You are left to admire his work :

  • Anna, The snow queens

  • Merida, Rebel

  • Snow White, Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs

  • Aurore, The Sleeping Beauty

  • Pocahantas