The mineral deodorant is a good compromise for those who want to reconcile the requirement of naturalness and efficiency.

What is a mineral deodorant?

The challenge of mineral deodorant is to skip synthetic aluminum salts . They reign supreme on the market ... and for good reason: their efficiency is formidable. They block the flow of sweat by tightening the pores of the skin. With them, the deodorant has passed into another era, that of antiperspirant. But it's not just friends. Their detractors accuse them of blocking a body's natural function, sweating, but also being irritating. But on the other hand, the traditional deodorants and, among them, the organic formulas are content to absorb some bad odors and moisture. A bit limited when you want to stay dry for 48 hours.

What alternative?

It is on the side of natural mineral assets, absorbing and astringent virtues : micronized alum stone, white clay, zinc, rocks of volcanic origin such as perlite ... Attention, no miracle: these products are more efficient than a basic deo, but if you sweat with water, only a real antitranspirant will save you!

And the stone of alum?

We validate this option not very practical but 100% green! Provided it is of natural origin. How to know? On the component side, we must find "alum potassium" and not "alum ammonium". The second indicates an industrial manufacture with synthetic ammonium salt. So be careful before buying your deodorant!