Appearing at the beginning of June, the challenge of #watermelondress (literally: dress-watermelon) is all the rage on Instagram.

As summer approaches, refreshing foods such as watermelon are a must. To change the traditional photo of the slice of watermelon tasted by a pool, surfers had the idea (a little crazy) to divert the fruit. Cut into the shape of a dress, then positioned in the foreground of a photo where a person appears, the watermelon is illusory. The red flesh depicting the fabric and the green skin representing the hem actually give the impression that you are dressed in a watermelon dress.

Far from stopping there, Internet users do not lack creativity and multiply the forms of dress while varying their guinea pigs. From the child to the husband through the dog or the giraffe, no one is spared.

On Instagram, the trompe l'oeil has its effect and the clichés are more and more numerous. In recent weeks, more than 3000 photos have been shared under the hashtag #watermelondress on the social network. For the less skilful who wish to follow the trend but lack of inspiration, tutos have even appeared on Youtube.