Scams to the credit card , on the internet, we learned to beware. But there is still too little vigilance in everyday life, whereas the scam artists, do not cease perfecting their techniques. Today, for example, there is no need to steal a blue card to hack it.
The proof: in 2 years, the victims of fraud to the CB increased by 44%. According to a report by the National Observatory on crime and penal responses (ONDRP), the total amount of fraud in France amounted to 450.7 million euros in 2012.

2 smart items to protect our credit card:

- The security sticker: affixed to the cryptogram on the back of the card, it allows to hide the 3 digits (the famous CVV) which, associated with the number of card allow all the transactions and infractions.
Our advice when choosing this small sticker : memorize the 3 digits before masking it.
Where can I find these stickers? On the Internet ! or

- The protective case of waves : this super bodyguard for blue card prevents the pirating of the chip of any CB, even that hidden at the bottom of a bag.
Indeed, today the new blue cards are equipped with contactless technology (RFID or NFC). Practical when shopping but risky ... The information contained on the chip of a blue card can be stolen without our knowledge. Indeed, a fraudster equipped with an NFC reader can read this info just by spending a few seconds beside us in the subway or in the tail of the canteen.
A protective case of waves blocks the passage of RFID waves to 99.99% , it is as if our bank card became almost invisible.
Where to find these protective waves? Anti-RFID cases, online sale from 3 €. Also available in wallet version to secure all our documents (new permits and passports)

And, of course, in case of doubt or fraud on the bank card, we contact illico his bank.