How do you thin your thighs and buttocks?

It is possible to slim down thighs and buttocks using different techniques. To begin with, there is lipocryotherapy, which is a technique of thinning by the cold. Simply apply an appliance to localized areas, lower the temperature of the grease to 3 degrees, which will allow to destroy the localized fat cells.

The second technique is a mechanical technique: the endermologie, or the palper-roll. We will knead and drain the areas in which the fat is located.

The latest technique is mesotherapy, which uses small injections of slimming products that are done under the skin to reduce the volume of fat locally.

Should two techniques be used for these different zones?

The fat found in the thighs and the one found in the buttocks is the same. As a result, the same technique can be used.

Is it possible to slim down the abdominal area?

It is possible to lose belly fat through lipocryotherapy. It is painless, there are no adverse effects and allows each session to lose between 0.5 and 1cm of greasy fills. We work on average over an area of ​​about twenty square centimeters. So for a person who has an infiltrate of fat cells all over his body, this is not a technique that will be used. In cases where fat is not localized, endermology or mesotherapy are used instead, which are more general techniques.

And for the arms, what slimming solutions?

The arms are a very difficult area to lose weight because beyond the surplus of fat, there is also a sagging skin. The technique to remember in this case is the radiofrequency which allows both to fight against fat but also to tighten the skin. We must work on these two aspects, because if one comes to decrease the fat, one risks to end up with a relaxation of the skin often considered unsightly.

Radiofrequency is an absolutely painless and even very pleasant technique: most patients fall asleep even during the session! It is a cell warming system that will cause the collagen fibers to tighten and, from a certain temperature, destroy the superficial fats.

Thanks to Dr Adda, expert in aesthetic medicine