Wrinkles are not inevitable. Well, not exactly. It is estimated that genetics is responsible for 60% of the aging of our skin, and our behavior at 40%. This leaves us a fairly broad field of action. In addition to smoking, pollution, lack of sleep or stress ... A poor diet can promote the appearance or increase of wrinkles . The enemy number 1: sugar. By binding to the collagen and elastic fibers of our skin, it damages them. Our skin is less supple, it ages. But some foods, on the contrary, are our allies to replenish and preserve our skin from wrinkles .

1 / Fruits and vegetables

Decidedly, fruits and vegetables want us well. Spinach, cabbage and broccoli in particular. They are stuffed with polyphenols, antioxidants that attack free radicals, responsible for the aging of our cells . Not to mention their vitamin C content, one of the most powerful antioxidants that protect our cells from premature aging. An essential anti-aging weapon ! Be careful though to cook them well. We prefer steaming, and especially we try not to peel them to maximize their benefits.

2 / Ceps from Périgord

When it's the season, it's delicious ... and good for our beauty! Ceps, like all mushrooms, are a source of B vitamins. But the group of vitamins B acts on the quality of the skin . That says quality and cutaneous flexibility, says less wrinkles on the face .... In addition, if one raises the ceps with herbs like turmeric , clove, ginger or cinnamon, one obtains even more of anti-oxidants and vitamins for real anti-wrinkle protection.

3 / Oily fish

Packed with protein and essential fatty acids, fish such as salmon, sardines or herring are all good. One of the reasons skin aging is related to oxygenation, a skin reaction that releases free radicals. The nutrients present in the flesh of fatty fish contribute to the renewal of our cells and counterbalance the action of free radicals that cause aging and certain wrinkles. Not to mention that their good fatty acids also play on the suppleness of the skin . In short, it's just a bonus!

4 / Green tea

Rich in antioxidants, green tea helps fight against skin aging . Antioxidants trap free radicals, who want the elasticity of our skin.Or when the latter loses its elasticity, wrinkles are installed.

5 / Eggs

We do not think about it enough, but the egg is effective for taking care of our skin. It contains vitamin D and proteins, but also anti-oxidants ( vitamins A, E, selenium ....) that protect our skin from nasty wrinkles So omelette, poached or boiled, there is more reason not to eat it! Obviously, we prefer organic eggs and those of hens raised outdoors !

To go further "My notebook beautyfood" (Editions Marabout), written by the dermatologist Nadine Pomarède in collaboration with the cook Catherine Moreau.