One in ten women is affected by endometriosis in France and yet, too many doctors still struggle to diagnose it.

Very complex, endometriosis takes various forms, which is why it is essential to recognize certain signs that do not deceive.

Abnormal pain during menstruation

The rules can certainly generate discomfort, but they must not provoke recurrently an unbearable pain.

So, if you must, every time, take analgesics or anti-inflammatories, if you have discomfort or have to remain bedridden, if this period causes absenteeism school or professional, then it should consult.

And because endometriosis is a progressive disease with four stages of accumulating lesions, do not wait.

Associated disorders

Spreading over multiple organs, endometriosis takes a variety of forms.

Its symptoms can be reminiscent of other conditions: digestive disorders, urinary, pubalgie, among others. Well-conducted interrogation is enough to detect it.

Examinations (MRI, ultrasound, laparoscopy ...) should confirm the diagnosis, except at the first stage, which will most often go unnoticed.

Hence the importance of finding a doctor able to diagnose without further examination to prevent the damage from degenerating.