If we have all adopted the body and face scrub in our beauty routine , we can not say the same for scalp scrub . Yet it is not for nothing that the great hairdresser-colorist Christophe Robin made his scrub washing salt with a real sea bestseller. The investment (between 20 and 50 € according to the brands) is well worth it.

What is a scalp scrub?

The scrub cleans the scalp by cleansing it of all its impurities. It does not help much to use it on a healthy scalp, however, on a sensitive scalp even problems (psoriasis, eczema, dandruff , itching etc.), it can really do wonders. Especially with all the shampoos, conditioners and silicone masks that we have been using for years, our scalp struggles to breathe. Dirt fall directly into the hair bulb and they eventually regress to defend. The scrub of the scalp is then a good way to reset everything. And as this area is directly related to the liver after eating too much fat or binged on booze, his scrub can be applied to cure detox. It can also be particularly useful after the stage of staining that sometimes causes itching and allergies .

How to use it ?

His hair is moistened and a small amount of the product (about a teaspoon equivalent) is applied to the entire head. Well rubbed and rinsed immediately. No need to let him ask. And do not bother to wash your hair behind with a classic shampoo since the majority of scrubs have a washing function. On the other hand, especially if one has the hair dry or fragile , one applies behind a mask on the lengths. It can be used over the long term if you have sensitive scalp or just punctual to answer a specific problem .

How to choose a scalp scrub?

Taking care of her body , eating healthily , feeling at ease in her clothes ... never had comfort been as fashionable as now. And of course, the universe of beauty does not escape this rule: we turn to products that go in this direction. To detoxify the scalp, remove the impurities that are encrusted, soothe the itch , there is no better than scalp scrub. How to choose his? By taking care to turn to a product with the most natural composition possible . It is known for example that the salt , filled with minerals and vitamins, is a weight ally against skin problems ...

Thank you to the hairdresser-colourist Christophe Robin.