Beautiful concert posters, samples of perfumes, capsules of champagne corks, mini-glasses aperitif or even advertising flyers ... Fear of missing or miss a pseudo good deal , whatever: we store a max. Our living space ends up looking like a dusty warehouse. When you're a compulsive collector , you have to learn how to throw.

Zen attitude to tidy up when you can not throw

Before attacking the storage (and sorting that goes with), we visualize the room as we would like it to be. We close our eyes, we relax taking a deep breath and we imagine his emptied and tidy space . Clear, bright and uncluttered. We try to go into details: we imagine where each precious object is placed in our eyes. By assigning them a well-defined place mentally, we identify those who are really essential to our well-being. Our vision remains too vague? To better understand our goal, we make an inspiration book with photos of neat interiors pricked on Pinterest, Instagram or in decorating magazines.

How to learn to throw to tidy up?

It is better to divide the work according to the so-called "funnel" method: we choose a room, a piece of furniture, a drawer, a file. It avoids all unpacking in an outburst of uncontrolled stress. By emptying little by little , we do not drown, we keep the control and the tempo. Storage seems less insurmountable . And we start with the room where we spend the most time (not by the attic where we only set foot twice a year). We eliminate automatically all the duplicates: 2 corkscrews? I give one. 2 staplers? Idem. And we light up the decor : candles, trinkets, dried flowers are added visually to the bazaar, especially in a bookcase or on shelves.