In recent weeks, many women have stepped up to warn about the sometimes serious side effects they say they suffer from the Mirena Hormone IUD.

As we relate in an article dated May 9, among them, the administrators of Facebook group "Victims of the hormonal coil Mirena - SVH".

They were among the first to encourage those who claim to be victims of this intrauterine device to make a pharmacovigilance declaration with the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM).

A mobilization that was not in vain since the health authorities and the laboratory that manufactures the product reacted, a few days later, through press releases.

Mirena: an association of victims to collaborate with the ANSM

Since then, the ANSM has received Marie-Pierre Le Boiteux, one of the administrators of the group but also president of "SVH Sterilet Vigilance Hormones", an association * founded in the wake.

At first, the association gives us a legal and credible existence.

"It makes it possible to coordinate our actions and our exchanges with the ANSM In a second time, we continue our work of accompaniment, of support but also the approaches with the public authorities", explains Marie-Pierre Le Boiteux.

"We have started working with the ANSM, I do not know what form it will take, but it is said and seems concerned by the issue of Mirena.Now, will they evaluate again the benefit-risk balance? Hopefully, I think she is sensitive to our request for more information during the installation. "

Marie-Pierre Le Boiteux and the other administrators also hope that the profiles and the medical history of the women concerned will be analyzed. For their part, they have launched a survey to already collect some information (age range, how long have you kept the IUD, has your doctor told you about the side effects or the package leaflet? you noticed?

No reaction from the College of Gynecologists

And on the side of gynecologists? "We regret that the gynecologists do not work with us anymore for the moment, I think we would all win," regrets the president of the association. "We have not had a direct reaction from the College of Gynecologists, who seem surprised and wonder about the coordination of these testimonies.They fear that we ask for the withdrawal of the Mirena, which we do not ask.

Our intention is not to deprive the women who support it.

On the other hand, it seems important to us that the patients are warned, consenting, vigilant and that they have their visit of control. "

A growing community of patients

Today, the group "Victims of the hormonal coil Mirena - SVH", has more than 15 000 members and the testimony of women denouncing the deleterious effects of the IUD on their health continues to flow. Many of them even mention the withdrawal of the latter because of the rising concern that controversy has aroused for weeks.

Marie-Pierre Le Boiteux will meet ANSM again in the weeks to come, but prefers to remain discreet about the details of this interview. To be continued.

* Website of the association: