30 years: negotiating a slimming shift
A diet full of energy

30 years: negotiating a slimming shift

30 years: negotiating a slimming shift

What is really played in the thirties?
One attacks a flamboyant decade: finish the studies and live the first job, the first apartment, the life of two and sometimes even the first baby. In France, the average age of the first child is 29! And, moreover, regardless of our desire for maternity, the body is in "reproduction" mode: it stores fat on the hips , buttocks and thighs . This is where he will draw his fuel for a possible pregnancy. Pregnant, the process accelerates: in the beginning, the metabolism promotes lipogenesis (manufacture of fat), then, in the end, it goes into lipolysis. It releases fat to make the baby fat. But just what you need. He keeps reserves for breastfeeding.

And in the head?
The period surrounding the first pregnancy is quite sweet: we love what our new roundness symbolizes and we release (finally) the pressure slimming. At the risk of sometimes letting go on sweets that neither the mother nor the baby need. In contrast, the year after birth is sometimes a little complicated. Beyond the problem kilos to lose, at 30 years it is difficult to find "his" body. And this is where the desire to lose weight and lose a few pounds can be born. The body has gradually rounded for nine months and, suddenly, it becomes "empty" and not quite the same: an enlarged pelvis , sometimes heavier breasts and a little rounder belly . It often takes several weeks to integrate this new body diagram.

A new priority on the silhouette side: exit the breeches

What changes?
The thirties are often (alas!) Synonymous with saddlebags . "In anticipation of pregnancy and breastfeeding, the body" stashes "reserves, says Romuald Vallée , Phytomer Laboratories Scientific Director. These gynoid curves are particularly difficult to dislodge for hormonal reasons , but also because the adipocytes are more bulky than on the rest of the body. This cellulite becomes stiffer and more painful.

But what appeals to the thirties is the desire to keep a silhouette, outlines, in which they feel good. Especially after a pregnancy! This is the time to take the time to massage morning and evening to smooth and reshape this "cursed area".

The good slimming weapons of the thirties?
" Storage and destocking of fats are subject to enzymatic regulation : we assimilate fats at night, we eliminate them during the day, explains Dr. Marie Zartarian , endocrinologist in Nice. In women, this mechanism is stopped by the hormones: one stores more the day AND the night, especially on the zone thighs / hips. "

The solution to refine quickly and well when one is 30 years old?
Opt for treatment with metabolic action developed by the labs. Their advanced assets will break down fat to boost lipolysis during the day, while others will act at night to limit lipogenesis. In the key, a reinforced action on the breeches of horse. More targeted, more dosed, these treatments are enriched with remodeling agents to sculpt the contours and strengthen the structure of the skin.

To boost the operation "firmness", we put on slimming massages and oils and creams slimming.

A diet full of energy

Yes, fatigue grows to nibble ...

We all noticed it, the researchers proved it! When you're out of sleep, you tend to nibble . Thus, those who sleep just 5:30 per night swallow 221 kcal more than those who sleep 8:30 on average. With a real tendency to jump on fast (or refined) sugars. A way to find energy quickly.

To find the fishing, one opts for a balanced diet and vitamins and minerals that it brings naturally. But we also pay attention to the glycemic index (GI) * of plant products (especially all cereal products). Why ? Because not only do we continue to eat everything, but we naturally lose 2 kg in a month, simply by eating healthier.

Without hollow or tiredness! Secondary benefits: we are in a better mood (high blood sugar tends to make us grouchy) and we play the card of prevention against diabetes and cardiovascular diseases . Of course, we pay attention to the portions: the body has needs (2,000 kcal per day), no need to give more.  

What are we eating?

Meat , fish , dairy products (they do not have a glycemic index) with bread , but you choose full or even whole, some whole grains , vegetables , fruits (their content in water lowers their GI) and stalling legumes.

The good habits of a slimming diet at 30:

- Eat raw
- Cool a cooked dish (a pasta salad is better than hot pasta)
- The bread a little stale
- Add a protein (egg, ham)
- Add a little fat
- Diversification: a variety of foods is better than a single dish like risotto

But we avoid ...

- Cooking too long
- Industrial refining
- White flour or breadcrumbs (eg escalope or fish breaded)
- The absence of nutrients (vitamins, fibers, etc.)
- The richness in calories (french fries).
- The liquid form (sodas, soups)
- Eat a high GI food alone