While most diets are based on a calculation of the number of calories consumed, the Montignac diet prefers to focus on the glycemic index of foods.

His goal is not to lose weight quickly, but to lose weight well, to avoid the effect yo-yo and deficiencies.

The Montignac diet: how does it work?

This slimming program favors foods with low glycemic index, that is to say those with the lowest glucose level and therefore store as little fat as possible.

Permitted foods include: fresh fruit, green vegetables, pulses, cereal grains, cocoa-rich dark chocolate, milk and dairy products, meat, fish and oilseeds.

On the other hand, all that is white bread, white rice, potatoes and confectionery, as well as cooked carrots or watermelon, particularly rich in glucose, must be banned.

Second rule of the Montignac diet: dissociated eating.

There is no need for all plates to be balanced, provided that our overall diet over the week is. Certain combinations of foods are therefore prohibited by this diet, such as duets cheese and bread, animal proteins and starchy foods.

The fruits must be consumed outside meals, to avoid glycemic peaks when one comes to satiety .

These two rules must be followed until the desired weight is obtained. Then there is a stabilization phase during which only the first rule remains in effect: low glycemic index foods are allowed, as well as those with an average glycemic index (whole grains, bananas, dried apricots, dried figs, potatoes with water or steam), moderately.


Effective over time, this diet avoids the yo-yo effect , because the body does not experience deprivation. The presence of fiber and protein can quickly reach satiety, and this regime does not prevent for example having to fall back on a simple salad in the restaurant.

The inconvenients

The Montignac diet requires a time of adaptation: during the first days, some people may feel tired because of lack of glucose.

There is also a risk of muscle loss, especially since the sport is not recommended with this diet, because it does not correspond at all to the needs of a person with significant energy expenditure. Finally, this slimming program requires a real knowledge of food to determine their glycemic index.