Praised for its relaxing virtues, yoga is based on a deep breathing work and relaxation of the body through postures to reproduce sometimes several times in a row.

Particularly indicated in cases of back pain or lumbar pain, Asanas poses relax, stretch and strengthen the spine and lower back or lumbar area. * Bénédicte Péroz, founder of Yoga Searcher Hossegor, details 8 flagship postures to relieve one of the greatest evils of the 21st century.

Adho Mukha Virasana, the warrior's posture upside down

warrior upside down

This simple posture makes it possible to lengthen the column completely. Place a blanket under the glutes and a brick under each of your hands. The arms are stretched, active, and the coccyx is moving towards the heels. Be sure to keep your shoulders high for a better stretch.

Marjariasana, the cat's posture

cat posture

The cat's posture decomposes in two stages. It is excellent for the back because it softens the spine. It also strengthens the transverse, deep muscle of the abdomen. On all fours, the shoulders above the wrists, one comes to dig the back then round it by sucking the navel. We can repeat this movement for more reinforcement.

Adho Mukha Svanasana, the dog's posture upside down

dog upside down

The posture of the dog upside down, legs slightly bent and raised heels allows to lengthen the spine by aligning the back of the skull and the sacrum. If possible move against a wall, with raised heels and bent knees, and try to keep the column straight to stretch.

Ardha Uttanasana, against a wall

ardha uttanasana against a wall

This stretching posture, practiced in support against a wall allows to stretch and align the shoulders and pelvis. We position our feet and hands at right angles to the floor and the wall and we take care not to dig our backs.

Utkatasana, the posture of the chair against the wall

chair against a wall

Calvary fitness rooms, the position of the chair against the wall is beneficial, in yoga, for back pain. We settle our back straight against a wall, knees at 90 degrees. This posture strengthens the muscle column while respecting the postural alignment.

Ustrasana, the posture of the camel

camel posture

Usually, the posture of the camel is practiced vertically, here it is extended horizontally. It is very beneficial: it stretches the back, opens the ribcage while stretching the abdominals . Lying on the ground, a bolster under the back, one places his legs in "tailor" by opening the arms, in order to stretch the back and the abs.

Ardha Setu Bandhasana, the half bridge posture

half bridge with brick

This posture of the half-bridge is practiced by adding a brick, which is placed under the basin. This posture is ideal for the back, because it strengthens the lumbar area and the ribcage, while stretching, too, the abdominals. Positioned on the shoulders, raise the pelvis (here using the brick) aligning the knees, pelvis and shoulders.

Eka Pada Pavanamuktasana, on the ground

eka pada pavanamuktasana

This posture unpronounceable name is very simple and can stretch the entire spine, it is easily adopted daily, after a workout or to relax. It is perfect to close a session. Lying on the ground, it is best to stand near a wall to support the foot of the leg extended to align the pelvis.

* Photo credits: Bénédicte Péroz