This is the tradition at Kiehl's: every year, the brand partners with an artist to design a special limited edition collection for the end of year celebrations.

Kiehl's Christmas with Kate Moross

Every year, on the occasion of the holidays Kiehl's partners with an artist to customize the packaging of its flagship products , the time of a limited edition collection. After the Australian Jeremyville in 2016, this year, the illustrator, designer and artistic director Kate Moross sticks to it. The young woman puts her surprising and colorful imprint on a selection of Kiehl's 10 iconic skincare products, including Body Cream, Ultra Facial Cream and Calendula Toner Lotion. The artist also succeeds Jeff Koons, Keeny Scharf or Craig & Karl for the traditional customization of the products of the American cosmetics brand during the holiday season .

Kielh's: a cosmetics brand with a big heart

If collaboration with artists is a tradition at Kiehl's, it goes hand in hand with solidarity action . Kiehl's supports an association every year by paying back a share of the profits collected through the marketing of the limited edition. This year, it is about the association Enfance & Partage , which acts so that each child is protected by his family and the society in order to preserve his becoming of adult. The brand Kielh's is also involved in the awareness campaign and the fight against HIV and AIDS or in the protection of the Amazon rainforest. Founded by John Kiehl, a passionate pharmacist of botany, in 1851, the American cosmetics brand Kielh's has become a benchmark in the vanity of all beauty addicts. There is no doubt that this limited edition Christmas 2017 is to offer or to offer. Inspired by the Christmas spirit? We also have lots of other ideas for solidarity gifts!

Discover this beautiful collab 'in our slideshow!

1/6 Soaps scrubs
box kiehls

Soaps exfoliants limited edition. 200g. $ 15

2/6 Tonic
kiehls oil

Tonic lotion Calendula Herbal Extract Toner. Bottle 250 ml. $ 37.50

3/6 Lip Balm
kiehls balm

Baule lips Butterstick Lip Treatment. € 19

4/6 Face Moisturizer
kiehls cream

Ultra Facial Cream Cream. Pot of 50 ml. € 26

5/6 Elixir regenerating
kiehls midnight recovery

Regenerating Elixir Midnight Recovery Concentrate. 50 ml bottle. $ 64

6/6 Body Cream
kiehls cream

Whipped Body Butter Body Cream. Pot of 226 ml. € 36

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