A short break of at least 20 minutes!
Real good meals
A balanced diet

A short break of at least 20 minutes!

Overwhelmed at work, you can not give yourself a real lunch break at the canteen or at the restaurant . But know that even at the office, the meal is an important moment of the day. So no haste .
Give yourself a mini break for at least 20 minutes during which you will do nothing but eat quietly and in the quiet your lunch.
Remember, eating fast will cause nibbling in the afternoon. So take your time , and chew all the foods!

Real good meals

Even if you do not have enough time, it is important to eat a real meal .
Choose good foods .
Of course, you can eat sandwiches , as long as you prefer those with raw vegetables . Think also sushi and makis , very low calorie and satiating . And with the arrival of good weather, what better than a good little salad composed of starchy foods, vegetables and a portion of protein.
Be careful with the seasoning . We limit salt and oil / butter. But we think to hydrate well .

A balanced diet

For a woman , nutritionists advise a daily caloric intake ranging from 1800 to 2800 kcal (depending on the intensity of its degree of activity), and from 2100 to 3500 kcal for a man .
Therefore, you must adapt your food to your real needs . In short, if you have eaten only a few sushi and a fruit for your lunch, no reason to deprive you at night!
The important thing : to meet our own energy needs !