Green tea: ideal partner of my line

Recommended for thousands of years in Chinese medicine as an adjunct to many ailments, green tea is above all a perfect ally for any dieting. With less than 2 calories per cup, he invites himself at any time of the day. Loaded with theine (a molecule identical to the caffeine contained in coffee), green tea is an excellent stimulant of the nervous system, on the one hand, and metabolism, on the other. That says stimulation of the metabolism says increase of the physiological activity: indeed, it acts like dynamizer of the elimination of the fat cells by increasing the thermogenesis and the energetic expenditure. It is one of the recognized fat-burning substances. Theine is also useful for limiting the absorption of lipids and sugars: it acts on a limitation of the production of insulin of the liver, a hormone that promotes weight gain. In addition to its antioxidant properties, catechin (a derivative of flavonoids), contained in quantity in green tea, is known to stop the growth of fat cells. Thanks to its intense moisturizing action, green tea is an excellent diuretic : an increase in diuresis is a good way to limit water retention by eliminating sodium, which causes significant storage of fat cells.

Green tea is one of the best antioxidants

Unlike other varieties of tea, green tea is distinguished from its peers by less oxidation of its leaves: this process aims to retain a larger amount of catechins. These molecules derived from flavonoids are eminently recognized for their antioxidant action on the cells of the body. The other benefit of catechin consumption of green tea is its action on cholesterol: it acts significantly on the decrease of "bad" cholesterol while increasing the rate of "good" cholesterol. It also plays a role in reducing blood triglycerides, confirming its actions on reducing the risk of developing various coronary heart disease. Its antioxidant properties give green tea protective properties of the immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems: it helps to prevent the appearance and development of various diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia or Alzheimer's, and diseases coronary. Green tea and its catechins ensure the protection of our body by ensuring the preservation of the cell membrane against free radicals caused by poor lifestyle and stress.

Green tea: both energizing and soothing

One of the peculiarities of green tea is to simultaneously be a stimulant of energy and an effective relaxant. The combined actions of vitamin C and caffeine contained in green tea give it anti-fatigue actions: stimulating attention and concentration, it is a good way to boost intellectual activity. Unlike coffee, which offers a rapid dispersion of its tonic action (3 hours after ingestion for a short time), the green tea theine acts more slowly on the metabolism, namely 6 hours after its absorption: this explains its action on the feeling of dejection felt in the middle of the day. Relaxing, theanine that contains green tea is an amino acid that acts as a mild psychoactive, reducing the feeling of stress in everyday life. To take full advantage of the benefits of green tea, just follow a few simple rules: do not brutalize the tea with boiling water, just let it steep in water at 70 ° no more than 3 minutes to avoid to develop his bitterness. Avoid exceeding three cups a day, because green tea is (beyond this amount) an iron inhibitor in the metabolism and can cause insomnia by its caffeine content. Finally, be careful not to add milk to your green tea that completely cancels out its protective effects.