Cereals, pasta ... Foods to discard before the effort

Whatever the time of day, it is essential to eat before going to play sports.

Simply because if you decide to go to work on an empty stomach, there is a good chance that you feel bad or weak during the exercise.

To get it right, there are certain foods that will have to be shelved to avoid being counterproductive. Like fibers, dishes in sauce or meats too heavy.

Keep in mind that eating fiber-rich cereals in the morning or stir-fried vegetables for lunch is not necessarily a good idea before getting into the treadmill.

Likewise, fast sugar is a fake friend who first causes hyperglycemia and then reactive hypoglycemia during exercise. It avoids drinking soda-type soft drinks or sweet desserts.

Our allies "boost" during the sport

To optimize its performance, keep longer during the effort or to avoid feeling bad, no mystery, it is on slow sugars that you have to bet.

Pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, these so-called complex carbs are your best allies. In terms of proteins and lipids, we choose simple to digest and low in fat (easier for gastric emptying) such as fish, turkey, chicken, ham and dairy type natural yogurt or cottage cheese that are beneficial for intestinal balance.

And of course, we do not forget to drink water to properly hydrate the body before exercise.

What are we eating after?

You can quickly ruin the benefits of a workout if you do not have the good food habits behind. The first thing we advise to do is drink water. Lots of water. Because by working, the muscle has oxidized and produced lactic acid, a waste that is formed when the muscle cells lack oxygen. It is this phenomenon that causes aches. Drinking water comes clean and drain the body of this waste. Here too, some waters are better than others to speed recovery. First, we avoid the sparkling water, which can cause discomfort (also valid before and during the sport) and opts instead for weakly mineralized water like the Volvic. The other way to reduce lactic acid is also to avoid eating red meat, which slows down its elimination. And then of course, after the effort, we simply avoid eating too rich foods and we stay on the same line of conduct as before the sport by consuming foods rich in slow sugars. And that's when you can reintroduce fiber and grains. Last food to consume to boost its energy: fresh fruit juice or detox detox to neutralize the toxins released during the effort.

It only remains for you to put all these tips in place during your next sports sessions.