Our voice is essential in everyday life to communicate with family and the office. To become voiceless or to have an extinction of voice can thus be painfully frustrating even if it is a temporary situation.

Richard Cross, director of the Voice Training Center (CFV) and former vocal coach for the famous TV show "Star Académie" helps us to take stock of the extinction of voices ...

Why is it always necessary to look for the cause of a loss of voice?

R. Cross: Staying speechless is a big stress . Understanding the origin helps to reduce this stress and heal more effectively. In case of repetitive or long-term loss of voice, consult a specialist to eliminate any risk of nodules or polyps. The phoniatre , a doctor specialized in the spoken function, can also prescribe speech therapy sessions to re-educate the speaker.

Can the aphonia be psychological?

RC: All our emotions are perceptible in our voice . A repetitive or endless aphonia can be the way the body tells a problem . In this case, a psychotherapist will help move forward.

Interviews, speaking ... how to prepare to avoid stress and aphonia?

RC: A vocal coach (now found on the Internet) teaches his mastery of breathing , relaxation, as well as vocal techniques to put his voice and be more self-confident.