Endocrine disrupters are used in many consumer products: food packaging, toys, detergents, furniture, medicines, etc. These are synthetic molecules that modify our hormonal balance, mimicking or counteracting the action of our products. natural hormones , including estrogen. Extremely diversified, these aromatic hydrocarbons, phthalates, bisphenol and other PCBs are singled out because of their high toxicity .

Substances that affect ... sperm!

Indeed, many scientific studies have shown that they reduce fertility . They affect sperm production in men, increase the number of miscarriages and increase the risk of birth defects .

According to the National Institute for Public Health Surveillance (Invs), the concentration of semen would fall by 1.9% per year, a tumble of more than 32% in 17 years!

Endocrine disruptors and decreased fertility
Istock / Ugurhan

Endocrine disruptors causing cancer?

These pollutants are also suspected of causing serious illness.

They are accused of being at the origin of certain cancers (breast, blood, testicles, prostate ...) but also to induce the development of diabetes and to disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland which regulates many vital functions.

Some specialists also suspect that they cause brain development disorders in children and thus cut their intelligence quotient (IQ).

Toxic molecules even in small doses

Their impact is insidious because they act at very low doses and permanently as they accumulate in our body, in the adipose tissue. Even those already banned for years are still present in the environment and therefore still threaten us today.

"Although banned since 1987, PCBs (or pyralenes) - long used as electrical insulators or lubricants - still persist in the food chain. ", Says Thierry Pineau, head of the animal health department at INRA *. It is still found in water, meat and dairy products.

The effects of endocrine disruptors on the brain.
Istock / ILexx

How to limit its exposure to endocrine disruptors?

Removing all contact with endocrine disruptors is impossible. But it is possible to greatly reduce your exposure.

  • Avoid cans and plastic packaging, especially those containing fatty products (oil, sauce ...). Prefer vials and glass bottles.
  • When you consume meat, spread out the fat pieces that contain more toxic than the lean cuts.
  • At home, give up carpets and upholstery that contain flame retardants, as well as chemical deodorants (replace them with essential oils).
  • Also beware of hygiene products and cosmetics. Those containing parabens are at risk: they are suspected to upset the endocrine system.

A French-American epidemiological study , published in Epidemiology in September 2014, suggests that they disrupt the growth of little boys during the fetal life and the first years of life. To escape absolutely therefore by the pregnant women.

* National Institute of Agricultural Research